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How can I help you?

Executive/Professional Development

Executive coaches are often compared to coaches for high-performance athletes.  We act as a sounding board, challenge thinking, point out blind spots, and work together to identify actions to move toward the individuals and company goals.   Some of the common benefits experienced by the individual include:​

  • Executive Presence 

  • Management team building

  • Leadership development

  • Communications

  • Increased confidence

  • Better work-life balance

  • Quicker decision making

  • Better time-management

  • Greater productivity

Business Consulting & Coaching

Running a business can be a long lonely road with many ups and downs.  Having a coach will help you focus on your priorities and build a strategic plan in order to execute successfully.  Coaches act as a sounding board to discuss ideas, identify gaps, and offers a level of accountability that will help you push your business to the next level.

Career Coaching

​Not happy in your current job?  Recently laid off? Tired of getting passed up for that promotion?  Not feeling valued for your contributions?  Over your ski's in a new role?  You can make changes for a happier and healthier career and life.  Engaging a career coach can help you move past those obstacles that are keeping you on that never-ending hamster wheel.  One-on-one coaching will help meet your personal goals.

  • Resume Review

  • LinkedIn Review

  • How to target your dream employers

  • Networking tips

  • Interview Prep

  • Offer Negotiation


What the Tech?

As parents, it's our responsibility to teach our kids healthy tech habits and protect them from online dangers such as cyberbullying, predators, inappropriate content, and misinformation. Our current tech enviorment is causing tragic mental health issues in our kids. If you're looking for personalized one-on-one support, group coaching for a community of parents, or a tailored presentation on digital safety, I offer practical strategies to help you navigate these challenges and empower your family to thrive in the digital world. Let’s work together to create a safer and more informed online experience for your children.

But much is this going to cost?

Each situation is unique.  It is important to discuss your goals, timelines, and availability to come up with a custom solution that will work best for you. If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.   

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As a certified International Coaching Foundation coach, I adhere to the IFC Core competencies and code of ethics.

Center for Executive Coaching  - Certified Career Coach & Executive Coach 

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